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2013 August

Paula Deen: It Didn’t Have To Happen

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A lot can be said about how poorly this was handled by the Paula Deen team from a crisis communication standpoint. But let’s go back to the root of the issue — it may never have started in the first place if there had been a clearly defined communication channel that allowed workplace concerns to be elevated to leaders who could address them. These channels are not difficult to establish and can make a huge difference not only in employee engagement but also in public opinion, as evidenced in this case.


Thoughts About Social Media

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I’ve been waiting for this kind of research — and for someone to speak up about social media’s place in the toolbox — for some time. We should not forget that while social media is great for some audiences and some information needs, it does not come close to meeting the need that so many employees have for someone to talk with them, face-to-face, and to engage them in the business process. Not all employees grew up with a computer in their laps, and not all business issues can be fixed with a tweet. I’m thankful for social media’s role in sharing information and ideas, but I will not apologize for reaching into the toolbox first for some good ol’ fashioned personal contact with meaningful content.



Winner! 2013 Videographer Awards

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Clapboard-no-shadow-smallVZ Communications, in partnership with VZ Productions, was honored with an Award of Distinction in the 2013 Videographer Awards for a series of five videos produced for Dover Corporation that featured employees who have made substantial changes in their lives that have improved their overall health and wellness. These videos were produced in April and May 2013.